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Debra James Tucker: Old Landmarks, Gospel Soul Series (To Be Rescheduled)

Natalie's 12th Anniversary Celebration

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The Gospel Soul Series, hosted by Debra James Tucker, presents a special program titled “Old Landmarks: Traditional Gospel with Debra James Tucker, Tia Harris, Vicki Saunders, and Janeen Holmes. This show is part of Natalie’s 12th Anniversary Celebration.

The unique sound of vocalist Debra James Tucker is a product of extensive training in jazz, classical and gospel music. Her new album is “Voices”, which continues her exploration of early black church forms in contemporary contexts. She is the writer/performer of the one woman show Survival of the Boulevard Singer-winner of an Ohio Arts Council Award for Individual Excellence, has been a visiting instructor at Denison University in the history of African American Gospel Music, and an artist in residence with several youth arts organizations.

Food & Bar: Our full food and drink menu will be available before and during the show.

Date: Sunday, December 1

Time: 8:00 pm

Doors Open: 7:30 pm